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Country DDR Profile
Country Documents
Special Projects
Press release Dec. 2, 2004
Press release Dec. 7, 2004
Press release Dec. 10, 2004
MDRP press release Eng.
MDRP press release Fr.
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MDRP Lead Agency Government Agency

The World Bank
Avenue du 18 septembre

Executive Secretariat of the National Commission for Demobilization, Reinsertion and Reintegration (NCDRR)

Lead Agency Contact:
Ingo Wiederhofer (Addis Ababa)
E-m: [email protected]
Fax: +(251-1) 62 77 17

Liberat Ntunzwenimana
E-m: [email protected]
       [email protected]

MDRP Contacts:
Madjior Dingamadji (Bujumbura)
E-m: [email protected]
Fax: + (257-2) 26005

Kees Kingma (Washington)
E-m: [email protected]
Fax: +1 202 473 8229



For any questions regarding MDRP activities please email:[email protected]
Photo Credits: First picture on left Guy Tillim. Others by UN/DPI