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Press release Dec. 2, 2004
Press release Dec. 7, 2004
Press release Dec. 10, 2004

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MDRP press release Fr.
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The conflict currently winding down in Burundi started in 1993 with the assassination of Melchior Ndadaye, the first democratically elected Hutu president, during a coup attempt. This event unleashed a series of ethnic massacres. Following Pierre Buyoya's return to power in 1996, regional heads of states imposed economic sanctions on Burundi to push for the return of a democratically elected government, the restoration of political activity and for negotiations between the warring parties to start. In 1998, peace talks commenced in Arusha, Tanzania, ending with the Arusha Peace Accords in August 2000. The Arusha Accords called for a transitional, representative government of national unity, which was established in November 2001.

On April 30, 2003, the first 18 month phase of the transitional government was completed with the transfer of power from Tutsi President Pierre Buyoya to his Hutu Vice-President Domitien Ndayizeye. A new Tutsi Vice-President, Alphonse Kadege, was appointed. Ceasefire agreements have been signed with all rebel groups with the exception of the Forces Nationales pour la Libération (FNL) of Agathon Rwasa.


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Photo Credits: First picture on left Guy Tillim. Others by UN/DPI