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Special Projects: Angola

Joint Special Project to Support the Reintegration of Demobilized Soldiers in Angola — UNDP/ILO/FAO
This project consists of two main components related to subsistence agriculture support and the piloting of economic reintegration activities, in addition to capacity building of the Government's principal counterpart agency for demobilization and reintegration of ex-combatants (IRSEM).

The first component of the project aims to assist 50,000 ex-combatants to produce basic foods for themselves and their families for one year through the provision of agriculture kits and technical support. The agriculture kits would allow for the cultivation of at least 1 hectare of maize and 1,500 square meters of beans sufficient for 4-5 months of consumption, to establish a family garden, and to hire out labor using basic tools provided. Neither fertilizers nor pesticides will be provided as part of the project. The assistance also seeks to enhance social reintegration by providing toolkits to communities that agree to accommodate demobilized combatants.

The second component of the project will consist of the undertaking of a number of pilot activities designed to test the underlying assumptions regarding economic reintegration. The focus of these pilot activities is vocational training opportunities for approximately 1,000 ex-combatants, business training or business advisory services for an estimated 500 ex-combatants, job placement for approximately 300 ex-combatants, micro-credit support for approximately 200 ex-combatants, and employment generation support to approximately 500 ex-combatants engaged in existing community works activities.

Project Status: The grant agreement has been signed and two tranches of the grant have been disbursed.
Total Project Amount: US$4,300,000

Quarterly Reports:

October to December 2003


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Photo Credits: First picture on left Guy Tillim. Others by UN/DPI