3 to 17 - MDRP Mission to Uganda
The objectives of the mission were to:
(i) review the operational preparedness of the Amnesty Commission; (ii)
discuss with the Amnesty Commission, the Ministry of Gender, Labor and
Social Development, UNICEF and other partners the implementation of special
arrangements for 'reporters' younger than 18; (iii) liaise with UNDP with
regards to their recent assessment mission on how to assist Uganda in
control and destruction of small arms and light weapons - particularly
regarding the role of the Amnesty Commission; (iii) assist the Amnesty
Commission in linking its support to 'reporters' to broader reintegration
support activities, such as NUSAF and activities of other MDRP partners;
and (iv) to make a trip to Gulu and/or Kitgum to assess the Commissions
operational preparedness at provincial level.
20 to 27 - Implementation Support
Mission to Angola
The mission was a follow up to the World
Bank Mission in June to assist IRSEM to finalize the strategic framework
for vulnerable groups under the Angola Emergency Demobilization and Reintegration
Project (ADRP). The purpose of the mission was to: (i) further discussions
with IRSEM on issues related to vulnerable groups; (ii) assist in the
presentation of strategic framework to key ministries and partners in
Luanda; and (iii) to determine next steps for project funding and implementation.
14 to 23 - MDRP/World Bank Mission
to Angola
The purpose of this mission was to support the Government of
Angola in the implementation of the Angola Demobilization and Reintegration
Project (ADRP), with specific emphasis on M&E/MIS, information and
sensitization, extension of reintegration opportunities, and procurement
and financial management progress. The mission held meetings with the
Minister of Social Assistance and Reintegration, IRSEM management and
staff, key partners (UK, USAID, Norway, Italy, France, UNDP, UNICEF, OCHA,
FAO, EC), NGOs, and demobilized soldiers, and visited Huambo and Kuando
Kubango provinces.
12 to 23 - MDRP/World Bank Mission
to the Republic of Congo
The purpose of this mission was to discuss the overall structure
and approach for a new project to demobilize and reintegrate an estimated
number of 20,000 ex-combatants. Specifically, the mission: i) discussed
with national and international counterparts the best structure and implementation
arrangements to disarm, demobilize and reintegrate remaining and new case-loads
of ex-combatants; ii) agreed with counterparts and partners on the outline
of a new national multi-component DDR program to be prepared by the government
with MDRP and IDA assistance; iii) determined specific technical assistance
needs, including with regard to the strengthening of local capacity; iv)
reviewed the current reintegration approach and develop options for the
streamlined delivery of reintegration benefits; v) identified measures
for the repatriation of foreign ex-combatants on Congolese soil; and vi)
commenced the reconciliation of databases of previous and current DDR
19 to 30 - MDRP Secretariat Mission to the DRC ~ Information and Sensitization
The focus of this mission was to work with CONADER (the National Commission
for Demobilization and Reintegration) on the development of an information
and sensitization strategy and the creation of a conducive environment
for program implementation.
14 to 19 - Implementation Support Mission to Rwanda
This mission focused on the following in relation to the Rwanda Emergency
Demobilization and Reintegration Project (RDRP): i) review of progress
made in social and economic reintegration assistance, including monitoring
and evaluation aspects; ii) review of status of child soldier demobilization
and reintegration component; iii) assessment of program procurement planning
and status; iv) review of program financial management reporting, including
status of independent audit; and v) review of information and sensitization
activities and strategy.
The mission
worked with the Rwandan Commission for Demobilization and Reintegration
(RDRC) on their information and sensitization strategy and implementation
plans. Specifically, the mission looked at i) the development of a communication
strategy to ensure that program beneficiaries and communities of return
are regularly informed of opportunities available to them under the program,
as well as to better inform other relevant audiences of program achievements
and successes to date; ii) the implementation work plan; iii) systems
and instruments to carry out the work plan; and iv) data and materials
that have been developed to date.
5 to 19 - Implementation Support Mission to Burundi
The focus of this mission was to review implementation readiness of the
Burundi Demobilization, Reinsertion and Reintegration Program (DRRP).
The specific objectives of the mission were to: i) review progress made
towards the fulfillment of conditions of effectiveness of the IDA grant
agreed during negotiations; ii) review progress in the establishment of
implementation capacity for demobilization activities; iii) review the
status of the MDRP special project for child soldier demobilization and
reintegration; iv) review status of preparedenss for implementation of
transitional safety net payments and reintegration assistance; v) review
information and sensitization activities and strategy; vi) review program
procurement planning and implementation to date; vii) review program financial
management reportings systems; and viii) ensure harmonization of DRRP
and MDRP support with partners providing security sector reform assistance.
5 to 10 - MDRP Secretariat Mission to Uganda
The purpose of this mission was to: i) assess progress made by the Amnesty
Commission in meeting the requirements for special project effectiveness;
and ii) assess the existing planning and coordination for reintegration
support, particularly in the north of the country.
1 to 11 - MDRP Secretariat Mission to Burundi ~ Information and Sensitization
The focus of this mission was to work with the Executive Secretariat for
DDR on their sensitization strategy and campaign, specifically looking
at materials developed to date, proposed staff plans and Terms of Reference,
and the sensitization campaign implementation plans. The mission also
looked at the strengthening of coordination and synergies with security
sector reform aspects of the DDR program.
24 to June 5 - MDRP Secretariat Mission to Burundi
The focus of this mission was to assist in the preparation for implementation
of the national Demobilization, Reinsertion and Reintegration Program
(DRRP), with a particular emphasis on reinsertion and reintegration aspects.
The main objectives were to: i)assess the existing plans for reinsertion;
ii) discuss with the Executive Secretariat of the National Commission
for DRR how it will further develop its plans for reintegration support
and possible associated needs to technical assistance; and iii) assess
existing coordination mechanisms for reintegration support.
3 to 10 - MDRP Secretariat Mission to the Democratic Republic of Congo
The focus of this mission was on reintegration aspects of the national
DDR program. The main objectives were to: i) assess the existing government
plans and institutional framework for reintegration support to ex-combatants;
ii) discuss with Government ways in which to further develop a national
reintegration strategy and review needs for technical assistance; and
iii) assess existing coordination mechanisms of reintegration support.
22 to May 1 - Angola Demobilization and Reintegration Project Launch
The mission participated in a Project Launch workshop organized by the
ADRP that took place April 27, 2004 in Haumbo with the aim of formally
informing major partners, stakeholders, and the general population of
the broad objectives and implementation procedures to be employed under
the ADRP. Specifically, issues of target groups, types of assistance,
eligibility criteria to serve as an implementing partner, and broad reintegration
strategies were discussed. This national event will be followed by regional
and provincial level workshops aimed at training Government executing
agency (IRSEM) staff in the detailed application of the project implementation
manual and to sensitize potential implementing partners (NGOs, line ministries,
etc.) as to the process and procedures to participate in the project.
13 to 30 - MDRP Mission to the DRC and the Republic of Congo
To help move the DRC national DDR program toward implementation, the mission
worked with national counterparts and international partners in the preparation
of a Joint Operations Plan (JOP), which will outline implementation mechanisms
and operations sequencing for DDR and Security Sector Reform (SSR) in
the DRC. The mission also reviewed special projects implementation progress
and the modalities for their integration into the national program.
In the Republic
of Congo, the mission participated in a meeting on April 15 during which
the team of independent experts presented to the Government and local
partners their evaluation of the criteria for and numbers of ex-combatants
in the Republic of Congo (see March 2004 RoC mission of independent experts
1 to 31 - Mission of Independent Consultants to Verify Criteria and Numbers
of Ex-Combatants in the Republic of Congo
Three independent consultants traveled to the Republic of Congo to: (i)
review the criteria in the draft national plan and letter of demobilization
policy against MDRP criteria and objectives, specifically in relation
to the identification of ex-combatants; (ii) evaluate the actual needs
of the country in the area of disarmament, demobilization and reintegration
as well as security sector reform; (iii) assess the needs of the various
identified groups of ex-combatants; (iv) determine the relative urgency
of intervention for each of these groups as well as the possible risks
associated with intervention or non-intervention; (v) review what resources
and mechanisms are available to support ex-combatants, both within and
outside the MDRP framework; (vi) verify the numbers of ex-combatants identified
by the Government and compare them against MDRP criteria; and (vii) make
recommendations on the way forward for the Government and the MDRP partnership.
3 to 14 - MDRP Mission to Burundi for Preparation of Program Implementation
The objective of this missionwhich worked closely with the World
Bank's Post-Appraisal Mission for the Demobilization, Reinsertion and
Reintegration Program (DRRP)was to work with the government to help
it finalize preparations for the implementation of the national DRRP.
Some of the issues that were addressed included: (i) plans for reinsertion
payments; (ii) planning and coordinating reintegration support; (iii)
arrangements for demobilization and reinsertion of child combatants, specifically
arrangements for the integration of the special project on child demobilization
into the national program.
25 to March 3 - MDRP Secretariat mission to Uganda
two main objectives of this mission were to: (i) meet with the Amnesty
Commission to assess progress toward special project implementation and
discuss the special project in light of the current political setting;
and (ii) discuss with the Government the likelihood and potential timing
for a national demobilization and reintegration program, the status of
the defense review, and the role of the Uganda Veterans Board (UVAB) within
the MDRP framework.
17 to 28 - Implementation Support Mission - Angola Emergency Demobilization
and Reintegration Project (ADRP)
The objectives of this mission were to: (i) assist Government to finalize
all aspects of the remaining project effectiveness conditions; (ii) assist
in closing down the Project Preparation Facility to ensure a smooth and
rapid transition to ADRP implementation; and (iii) review progress under
the UNDP/FAO special project. Further, specific humanitarian data (on
IDPs and refugees), and other information related to the resettlement
and recovery process, were be collected.
26 to February 6 - Mission to the DRC
Following progress achieved in the DRC with regard to the institutional
aspects of the DDR process (in particular, the decrees of 18 December
2003), a team traveled to the DRC to collect and analyze missing information
necessary to move to preparation of an IDA credit for a DDR program. Objectives
of this mission included: (i) review of progress achieved with regard
to the letter of demobilization policy, links between DDR and Security
Sector Reform, definitions and estimates of various target groups, as
well as the definition of possible reintegration packages; (ii) agreement
with the Government on the use of funds from the Program Preparation Facility
(PPF), in particular for the establishment of CONADER; and (iii) agreement
on a timetable for the finalization of project preparation and for its