Partner Meetings

Archive 2003
December 2003
November 2003
Sept/Oct 2003
August 2003
July 2003
June 2003
April 2003
February 2003
January 2003

Mission Archive 2003

December 2003

October 20 to December 12- Burundi Demobilization and Reintegration Program (BDRP) Preparation Mission
The focus of this mission was on: (i) reviewing Government's draft program document; (ii) agreeing on key elements of Government's Letter of Demobilization Policy; (ii) agreeing on parameters and timing for consultations with national political and social stakeholders; (iii) determining conditions for Negotiations and for World Bank Board submission; (iv) helping Government to refine the social and economic reintegration assistance component; (v) agreeing on institutional arrangements for financial management and procurement; (vi) agreeing upon terms of reference for key preparatory studies; and (viii) determining the required financial contributions of Government, IDA and the regional MDTF to the BDRP.

November 2003

November 17-22 — Mission to Angola
The main purpose of this mission was to (i) assist Government in finalizing the Angolan Demobilization and Reintegration Program (ADRP) conditions of effectiveness, (ii) assess progress made in carrying out other priority actions agreed to during previous mission, and (iii) review progress under the MDRP special project.

September/October 2003

September 27 to October 16 - Joint Supervision Mission
The mission welcomed the current general trends in the region toward greater peace and stabilisation, which included: installation of the new transitional government in the DRC, progress in Burundi peace negotiations, consolidation of peace in Angola, the strengthening of MONUC's mandate, and the full deployment of the African Mission in Burundi (AMIB). The mission found that the MDRP has proven to be a valuable coordination and financing mechanism, with two national programs approved for financing, Angola and Rwanda; national programs for Burundi and the DRC well underway; and with coordination structures in place in Burundi, the DRC, Rwanda and Uganda. However, many challenges remain, including: the continued presence of foreign armed groups in the DRC, persistence of violence in Ituri, unwillingness of the FNL-Palipehutu in Burundi to participate in the peace process, and the continuing conflict between the Government of Uganda and the Lord's Resistance Army in northern Uganda. The mission recommended that:

  1. The MDRP secretariat further strengthen its presence on the ground in Burundi and potentially in other locations, and expedite disbursement to grantees of currently approved special projects.
  2. The Governments of the DRC, Rwanda, Burundi and Uganda intensify joint efforts to increase rates of disarmament, demobilization and repatriation of Rwandese, Burundian and Ugandan armed groups in the DRC to their respective home countries with the support of MONUC.
  3. The Government of Burundi present an analysis of the implication of the Pretoria Protocal for the military integration process and associated public expenditures in medium-term, and engage donors in a transparent and systematic dialogue, providing a credible calendar for reduction in defense expenditures.
  4. The MDRP consider using the special project approach to DDR processes in the CAR and the Republic of Congo.
  5. The Government of DRC present an update on the status of DDR and Security Sector Reform program planning.
  6. No new special project proposals be considered for financing in the DRC until further notice.

For more details, refer to the Joint Supervision Mission Key Findings and Recommondations.

August 2003

July 21 to August 19 — Mission to Burundi
The objectives of this mission were to: (i) provide feedback on the Government draft program document for a national Disarmament, Demobilization, Reinsertion and Reintegration (DDRR) Program; (ii) resolve key outstanding issues regarding program budget and institutional framework; (iii) develop a strategy for program stakeholder consultation; (iv) review a letter of demobilization policy; and (v) further strengthen coordination with the African Mission and the Join Ceasefire Commission (JCC), including the development of a Joint Operational Plan.

August 1-19 — Mission to Uganda and Rwanda
The mission to Uganda had as its objectives to i) confer with the Ugandan Amnesty Commission regarding their special project proposal; ii) assess progress on the formulation of a national demobilization and reintegration program (DRP); iii) conduct discussions on lessons-learned activities and institutional strengthening efforts; and iv) liaise with the Government's defence review team and DfID to find links between foreseen security sector reform and a future DRP within the MDRP framework.

The mission to Rwanda (Kibuye) was to participate in a workshop organized by GTZ in close collaboration with the MDRP Secretariat on Monitoring and Evaluation and Management Information Systems (M&E/MIS) within DRPs. It targeted members of the MDRP Technical Coordination Group and technical staff responsible for M&E and MIS in national programs. (See Workshops/Events for more information)

July 2003

July 1-18 — Supervision Mission to Angola
This supervision mission will provide support to the Government of Angola's Institute for Social and Economic Reintegration of Ex-Combatants (IRSEM) in the early phases of the Angola Demobilization and Reintegration Program (ADRP). Some of the issues to be looked at include: discharge of ex-UNITA combatants from gathering areas; Government progress on conditions of effectiveness; project launch workshop; review progress on implementation; monitor implementation of the UNDP/ILO/FAO Special Project.

June 2003

June 16-July 4 — Joint Mission to the Central African Republic
The general objective of this mission was to provide support to the Government of the Central African Republic in the process of preparing and formulating a Letter of DDR policy within the context of the MDRP. This included support on: (i) definition and orientation of Security Sector Reform; (ii) creation of an institutional framework; (iii) determination of target groups; (iv) modalities of program implementation; and (v) assessment of the potential costs and funding sources.

April 2003

April 21 - May 16 - Technical Support Mission to Burundi
The mission’s objectives were to: (i) review Government preparations for planning and of a national Disarmament, Demobilization, Reinsertion and Reintegration program, (ii) review a letter of demobilization policy, (iii) identify technical assistance needs, (iv) facilitate technical review of the UNICEF special project, and (v) strengthen coordination with the African Mission to Burundi and the Joint Ceasefire Commission.

February 2003

Feb. 20-March 19 — Technical Support Mission to Burundi
This aim of this mission was to review and strengthen the Government's program document and planning for a national DDRR Program, find ways to support the Government in its efforts, support the special project review mechanism and promote adherence to local DDR coordination mechanisms.

Feb. 13-March 6 — Evaluation Mission to the Republic of Congo (RoC)
The MDRP Secretariat joined this EC/UNDP led mission to look at specific aspects of DDR in Congo and how the MDRP could build on past contributions. The overall aim of the mission was to review and evaluate past and current DDR activities with a view to develop a comprehensive framework and methodology for future DDR activities. It also sought to assess the current DDR needs of the RoC.

Feb. 10-15 — Mission to the Democratic Republic of Congo
The aim of this mission was to (i) engage Government and partners in Kinshasa to fine-tune coordination and collaboration arrangements in line with partners' mandates and expectations: (ii) review approach and process to initiate preparation of a nationa DDR Program taking into account the recent Pretoria Accord and Developments in the region; (iii) inform itself of the situation on the ground with respect to the repatriation of foreign armed forces from the DRC and help to further define the role of the MDRP vis-a-vis, and in support of, MONUC.

Feb. 9-23 — Mission to the Central African Republic
The aim of this mission was to assess progress on the on-going Programme National de Démobilisation et de Réinsertion (PNDR) with a view to revising the PNDR in accordance iwth the principles and framework of the MDRP.

January 2003

Jan. 20-21 — Mission to Burundi
The aim of this mission was to review Government's plans for the demobilization and reintegration of ex-combatants and appraise two special project proposals (it was later decided that only one special project would be processed).

Jan 18-Feb. 4 — Mission to Angola
The aim of this mission was to review Government's progress in advancing implementation arrangements under the Angola Demobilization and Reintegration Program (ADRP) and other operational issues.

For any questions regarding MDRP activities please email:[email protected]
Photo Credits: First picture on left Guy Tillim. Others by UN/DPI