Guiding principles
Eligibility Criteria
Multi-Donor Trust Fund
Regional Strategy

Guiding Principles

The Multi-Country Demobilization and Reintegration Program (MDRP) is founded on and is implemented in accordance with a number of basic principles, as follows:

(i) National ownership: The MDRP promotes country ownership and leadership of national programs.

(ii) Confidence-building: The MDRP encourages transparency of DDR efforts in the region, helping to ensure that external monitoring and evaluation takes place across borders.

(iii) Harmonization of Demobilization and Reintegration (D&R) activities: The MDRP encourages collaboration among key actors in order to harmonize approaches across national programs and special projects. However, each activity is designed and implemented to address the particular local needs and contexts.

(iv) Knowledge sharing: The MDRP encourages knowledge sharing and training across national programs and special projects.

(v) Optimization of external assistance: The MDRP seeks to ensure consistency of approaches irrespective of the source of funding.

(vi) Coordination with reconstruction efforts: The regional approach seeks to optimize linkages between reintegration activities for ex-combatants and related community recovery and refugee reintegration activities.

(vii) Special target groups: The needs of women, disabled, child ex-combatants and other vulnerable groups are taken into account in the design of national programs. If and when necessary, the identification of third countries of return will be undertaken with the explicit support of the receiving countries' governments and relevant local administrations and communities.

(viii) Special projects: The MDRP facilitates the provision of assistance in areas not controlled by national authorities, consulting these authorities prior to the initiation of any such activities. Assistance for D&R activities is also provided in the absence of a fully-formulated national program, with the understanding that these activities would be integrated into the national program once ready.

(ix) Transparency: The MDRP requires a high level of transparency in the financial and procurement management systems of national programs and special projects.

(x) Flexibility: The MDRP maintains a high degree of flexibility to respond to emerging needs in a timely manner.

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For any questions regarding MDRP activities please email: [email protected]
Photo Credits: First picture on left Guy Tillim. Others by UN/DPI